Grace to Salvation

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God’s marvelous grace has manifested in person, bringing salvation to the ones He has chosen. 

Titus 2:11


Hmm…does that sound right?  Did you catch it?  Jesus didn’t come for only a specific group of people that God has chosen. Jesus came and died for all. 

The verse actually reads like this… 

God’s marvelous grace has manifested in person, bringing salvation for everyone. 

 I’ve discovered over the years that many people do not believe that. Either because they simply don’t want to or because they cannot grasp that a loving God could accept and forgive them from the mess they have made of their lives. Because they do not believe it, then they choose to not receive it.  

You know, you can believe something and yet not receive it.

Example– I can believe that my friend got saved but not be willing to receive Jesus in my own life.

Jesus chose to die for all but I still have to believe and receive that He died for me. 

This verse also speaks about grace.  Grace is defined as unmerited or undeserved favor from God.  This is a special, unique kind of grace that only comes from the Father and that makes it a marvelous grace!  No one else can provide this level of favor.  Hallelujah!

God allows this special marvelous grace to rise up within us.  The verse says it has manifested in person. Jesus Christ is that person. Jesus attaches His favor to us and allows it to be displayed for others to see and experience. 

You’ve seen it before haven’t you?  His grace being displayed so others can see it…touch it…live it. 

Jesus, I’ve proven Your grace over and over again.  I’ve seen what can’t be defined by any other source of definition.  I’ve witnessed your miraculous touch that does a 360 degree turnabout in a life that’s been totally distraught.

How about you?

Maybe you’ve experienced His grace from a big life changing event. Those events create memories that can last forever. But there’s more of a chance that you’re living His grace everyday vs a big event and perhaps not even recognizing it. You know, those times you say something like…”Man, I can’t believe I didn’t have an accident.” Or perhaps a saying such as…. “Somehow we had enough money to make ends meet.” How do you explain these occurrences…these unmerited, undeserving acts of favor?

Add all of these on-going unexplainable occurrences in our lives, and they lead us to recognize where their source comes from….a loving, caring, sacrificial Messiah. One who ultimately gives up His life so that you and I can live forever.

A grace that truly can only come from a higher power.  An unmerited favor that shows no favoritism . All are invited to experience and walk in it.  

This meadow of wildflowers reminds me of His grace.

Grace comes in all sizes….to fit all of our sizes. It brings beauty to the backgrounds of our lives. It’s like each wildflower represents an individual. You can see the grace upon each one….His marvelous touch of favor that brings out it’s beauty. You look across the field, seeking to find that one….the one that represents you.

How can one deny His salvation once you’ve experienced His grace? Once you have His overwhelming favor being showered upon you, how can you not receive the gift that has been freely offered throughout history?

Lord, I pray for the many who have not opened their hearts to receive You. I pray for the multitude of families who have yet to recognize Your grace that leads to salvation. May eyes & hearts be opened to receive Your gift.

Thank you God for sending Your Son for each of us. Thank you Jesus for the undeserving gift You gave to us all.

Photos by Create228studio


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