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How To Measure Grace

There are so many great men and women of faith in the Bible. David is one of them.  He encountered so many difficulties and was a mighty overcomer because of His relationship with God.  I could take a lot of time listing many of his stories, but instead I wanted to summarize them all with this one powerful verse.

So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.
Psalm 55:22  TPT

David’s..”through it all” was definitely different than mine or yours. But in so many ways, we all are going through it all.

“It all” is just that…everything that we can list in our lives.

The good, the bad, the ugly.

Our “through it all” experiences brings growth and maturity though, often in ways we normally would not choose to claim.

If we will learn to give ALL our problems and ALL our anxieties to God something will happen to us…just like it did for David.

God will honor our coming to Him by giving us a blessing.

David says that He will not let His own people fall…He will not let good people topple into ruin. 

We define that as grace.

God’s grace… He blesses us beyond what we could ever imagine when we don’t deserve to be blessed at all.

David knew God’s faithfulness and shared an encouraging confident statement for us all to receive…

Measureless grace will strengthen you.

Just to have enough grace to cover an incident is considered a big win for those of us who do measure things.

For David to say we have access to measureless grace is almost like a dream. For the many analytical minds out there and others who just like wondering…seems like there’s got to be some limit to the amount of grace God distributes to everyone. Maybe there’s a secret scientific math equation that we can use to really discover the true amount of grace God gives.

Then again…maybe it’s the same way we measure the number of waves that roll upon a shore. Or how we count the grains of sand on a single beach. Maybe we use the same scale to figure out the vastness of the sea. And I believe it’s the same means to determine the size of the sky and how many clouds exist in it.

When it’s all said and done, we find ourselves unveiling the realization that God’s grace is….





Let’s clarify in order to grab the full message of what we have access to. We bring all of our issues to God and in return He takes them and gives us an added bonus by giving us a measureless amount of grace that strengthens us.

We can receive the same amount of grace that David had. An endless amount of undeserving favor is ours!

Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for us enabled you and me to have a grace that is greater than all our sin.

Could you use a reminder of putting that in perspective, especially when having a challenging day?  

I know I could.

Thank you Jesus for what you did for me.  

Thank you that you do not portion out our blessings.

Thank you that You love us so much that you freely pour out grace…over and over and over.

Photos by Create228studio

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