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I Need To Fill My Emptiness


have you ever felt it?   If we are honest then we would say yes.  A dry period, the wilderness, being without, a void, barren.  None of these words sound very encouraging nor places I’d choose to be.  Yet, we find ourselves at times existing in such places.

I’ve heard true stories from several individuals across the country whom I have spoken to who are searching to fill an empty place that have names labeled….homeless…needs a job…a soul mate…has a health issue…needs accountability ….needs friends….has broken relationships….lost a loved one….needs to be loved..forgiven..healed..appreciated and on and on.

Typically it’s not by choice.  It’s not like we desire to be dry or empty.  Life can be hard. The grind…the pull…the obstacles that lie across our daily paths that suck our energy.  Dryness can shadow us quickly.  The wait can become too demanding and it’s easier to just give in than to hold on. 

We become like bent flowers that shrivel and need daily watering to remain green and standing up straight. We need nutrients….more than just food and water.  More than exercise to remain in good condition.   We need direction. Direction to steer us away from the wilderness or at least guide us back if we find ourselves arriving in a barren place.  I don’t wish to have a void inside of me….do you?   What’s the best source to fill an empty place?

I will always show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places— firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry.  Isaiah 58:11

God has a way of making everything make sense.  From the emptiness of places ,we can find fullness that overflows simply by allowing Him to show us where to go.

When we don’t know where to go next to fill an empty place, we should go to the source who has an unlimited amount of resources. I’ve heard it said over and over like it’s our last option….I don’t know what to do so I guess I’ll pray about it.   We need to realize that the greatest and most important thing we can always do in every situation…in every season… is to communicate with the Father, with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit.  He says…I will ALWAYS show you where to go.

From the emptiness of places we can find fullness that overflows simply by allowing Him to show us where to go.

The praise report numbers keep growing from those who have been in empty places and discovered fullness. They now have the ability to remove their previous empty name labels and replace them with the fullness of His name.  His name along side theirs…until it soaks them together as one.

Fullness can come when in emptiness…. that’s what He promises.

His fullness is supplied with the greatest of nutrients that strengthen us when we are weak.  Our bodies become stronger….our minds become sharper.   Our attitudes change when fullness replaces emptiness.   Our confidence becomes empowered by the Powerful One.

When His fullness is captured and contained in our cracked and dry vessels, it’s then that His waters of life overcomes and overflows. We can be saturated in His presence. It can happen in an instant like a wave hitting a hot dry sandy beach.  It can also come gradually seeping into every crevice like the roots of vegetation receiving a fresh drink ….both bringing refreshment…fullness…life.

Live full lives. Full in the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19

But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow! John 10:10 

When His fullness is captured and contained in our cracked and dry vessels, it’s then that His waters of life overcomes
and overflows.

Where is your void today?  

What wilderness are you wandering through?

How dry is your empty place?

How long has it been since you have felt His waters of life?

Go to Him.

He is waiting to show you where to go.

He is here to fill your emptiness.

Photos by Create228studio

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