One Year Anniversary – What Was & What Is

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 2

“We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!” Ephesians 2:10

Creativity.   God is the Master Creator and He has given each of us the ability to create as well. It’s mind blowing to think that God planned in advance what each of us were destined to do. He knows exactly what gifts to equip us with to fulfill His purpose in and through us.

One such gift that I contribute to God has its one year anniversary this month.  Lingering In The Oasis began as a worship event several years ago that focused on spending quality moments in Gods presence.  Over time, this lingering emphasis began to consume me, not only in worship but in journaling as well. 

I came to know that putting my thoughts on paper or tablet was not only therapeutic and soothing to my own mind but a form of communication and worship with God. It gave me a greater desire to dig into His Word and make fresh discoveries of passages that had new meaning for a new season of life.

My lingering became reflective and refreshing moments.  To stay in such a place with God became a hunger and desire.  His safe place became my feeding ground. My soul found satisfaction in His oasis….my nurturing place. 

My interest in photography has been a hobby for much longer than the lingering. It was passed down from several generations in my family of serious photographers.  

When I learned more about blogging and the ability to add pictures, I resorted to my own collection of stored photos that were collecting data dust.  I now have a greater interest to continue capturing those special photogenic moments that speak life.

Being able to voice in writing my thoughts, guided by the Holy Spirit, and interwoven with His Word, has now been read in cities and states across America. Currently it has reached 8 other countries.

Exciting, inspiring, and humbling.

The creativity He has given me is a precious gift that I choose to use in seeking to bring encouragement to others. He freely bestows such gifts in tons of shapes and sizes for all His people.

To the readers who have joined me on this adventure so far, I say thank you.  For those who have given me encouragement and strength to continue with your kind words, again I say thank you.  I value greatly all who share my posts, for you hike beside me on the journey.

 Looking back over these past 12 months, I realize I have much company when it comes to saying it’s been a very challenging and different kind of year. 

What God has created and given me through the challenges is hard to put into words. I cannot express the joy and pleasure that He has brought to my heart and soul.  I have found a deeper level of endurance, patience, and strength than I had before.

I have become His poetry….

His re-created good work.

Lingering Thoughts:

What is that one thing that interest you but have yet to go after in obtaining? The excuses of why you haven’t can be long. No matter how small of a task you may think it is, focus on one thing you can do this week in taking a step forward to making your interest or creativity a reality?

Your goal is to continue to take steps forward. Even if you have to take a step back, don’t allow negative momentum to remain. Ask God to give you the resources to make your dream a reality.

You are significant!  He has created you to be someone unique and special. You are His poetry. Do not get caught up in comparing yourself to anyone else.  God’s blueprint reveals a specific design and purpose for you!

Photos by JS

Follow joellsimmons:

Hi, Welcome to my blog . I love my God, my family, music, hikes, Mexican food and coffee. I am passionate about worship and serving Christ. One of my favorite passages is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. “ Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for those who belong to Jesus Christ.” Life has taught me to know a lot but I am not a know it all. Realizing there is always more to learn and experience I continue my spiritual journey. I hope that Lingering In The Oasis will help make your day better, as you continue to travel your journey as well.

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2 Responses

  1. Rita Sherrill

    Love your words of encouragement. God is so good. Your pictures are awesome.

  2. Melinda

    Beautiful! Love the phrases “fresh discoveries”, “reflective and refreshing moments”, and “data dust”. Such a creative writer you are.

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