Grace to Salvation

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 0

God’s marvelous grace has manifested in person, bringing salvation to the ones He has chosen.  Titus 2:11   Hmm…does that sound right?  Did you catch it?  Jesus didn’t come for only a specific group of people that God has chosen. Jesus … Continued

Be Happy

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 0

There’s a story told of a beautiful little girl, who was 2 yrs old. One day while wearing a very serious look on her face, she glanced at her Nana and spoke these words….”I angee!” The sweet voice yet important … Continued

Always In All Things

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 1

Trials and difficulties, we face them everyday…several times a day.  They’re in what we say, do, see, and hear.  It doesn’t matter who you are, you will be confronted with it today and tomorrow. God revealed that fact to Paul. … Continued

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 1

Some things appear to be obvious….or at least we expect them to be, right?   Maybe you’ve heard or perhaps even said it yourself….”that’s the way it’s supposed to be” or “because we’ve always done it that way”.  Sounds like … Continued