Authentic Humility

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Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 There are … Continued

How To Measure Grace

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 0

There are so many great men and women of faith in the Bible. David is one of them.  He encountered so many difficulties and was a mighty overcomer because of His relationship with God.  I could take a lot of … Continued

We’re Back!!

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After a brief time of refreshing ourselves, Lingering In The Oasis is back to bring you many more encouraging and inspiring reading moments from our Christian blog website. We are excited to share a new posting format that begins this month!  … Continued

Be Happy

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 0

There’s a story told of a beautiful little girl, who was 2 yrs old. One day while wearing a very serious look on her face, she glanced at her Nana and spoke these words….”I angee!” The sweet voice yet important … Continued

Always In All Things

posted in: Devotionals, God’s Word | 1

Trials and difficulties, we face them everyday…several times a day.  They’re in what we say, do, see, and hear.  It doesn’t matter who you are, you will be confronted with it today and tomorrow. God revealed that fact to Paul. … Continued