Be Encouraged Today!
Here’s something good to think about…
A spiritual nurturing place
Here’s something good to think about…
What’s your price?…
Busy thoughts…thoughts that consume your energy. Thoughts that rattle in your head and soon turn into doubt…anxiety…and uncertainty. Maybe the initial thought had none of these negative ingredients added but somehow, someway..the longer it simmered in your mind, the more … Continued
Does worry help?…
How do you view?…
fair, kind, careful…
He is for you!….
From sunrise-brilliance to sunset-beauty, lift up His praise from dawn to dusk! Psalm 113:3 Praising God comes easy for me because I enjoy making a joyful noise. Seems like I was born with it in me, yet really we all … Continued
With You…
Come, Laugh, Enjoy…