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Wisdom – Make it your quest

This passage is loaded with powerful words about the importance of wisdom and how we should make obtaining it a priority in our lives.

Having an attentive ear to hear God’s instructions is a vital piece of wisdom. Like so many things in life, if we only hear something important and not apply it, then what purpose does it have?

It’s smart to be wise and it’s wise to be smart.

Can we live without one or the other?  Perhaps, but is it wise to do so?

Being a person of intellect can create wisdom but so can having common sense and discernment. 

There are two biblical figures mentioned in the Bible that I think of who carried great wisdom. You might say they were smart as a whip and yet others might say they were too smart for their britches.

Solomon was known as the wisest man in the Bible. He was very wealthy and carried much authority.  He had a good relationship with the Lord, until he allowed the influence of others, including his wife, to lead him astray and follow false gods.

Another figure was a group called the Pharisees.  These wise men possessed much knowledge of the scriptures.  Their downfall, though being known as wise men, was obvious as they missed having the knowledge that the Messiah was living among them in the flesh.

Wisdom should be sought after but wisdom in and of itself can lead to destruction.

I believe God’s definition of wisdom for each of us is balanced by seeking knowledge, having common sense, and having discernment in hearing His voice.

And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and He will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but He will overwhelm your failures with His generous grace. James 1:5 

My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment.
Hang on to them. Proverbs 3:21 

But the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form. James 3:17 

I’ve been blessed to have served in several authoritative and leadership positions throughout my life, both in my career and in ministry. I’ve had to make crucial decisions that impacted several others and determined success or failure. I can honestly say that I’ve made my share of errors…some were quite costly. 

It truly doesn’t matter what position we work or serve in life when it comes to making wise choices. We all have made our share of errors. We all at times have lost something.  

  The proper live and learn mentality should come from God’s guidance and can be applied in all of our daily lives.  Learning = Wisdom.

Isn’t it true that some of the best lessons are grown from our mistakes…that wisdom blossoms in our hearts and minds from things that go wrong?  

You and I are given a choice to make. We can harness bitterness, shame, defeat, and heartache or we can gain knowledge, improvement, newness, and appreciation.  We can grow or we can remain. We can grow or we can recede. Difficult situations create wisdom opportunities.  

God’s design for us is to move forward in our journey. He desires for us to call to Him for guidance….to seek His face….to call to Him for help….to look to His Word for direction.

May we be wise in continuing to grow by obtaining wisdom.  Let us look for the good in our mistakes and not linger in the bad.  May we invest in wisdom so that she will be honored and provide favor to those who seek her. May her glory wrap around us and lead us to victory!

Thank you Lord for the wisdom You offer every day.

Quest on my friend…quest on.

Photos by Create228studio

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